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Pokemon go guide

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8 hours ago, Take pics said:

I used an incense burner and caught 6 pokemon 

Then i quit because id actually have to find pokestops n shit

I have a map of the world pre-rendered from Ingress that labels all the Pokestops/Gyms in the area.


It's currently premium only due to the amount of work I put into it but: Site my guide on ingress on how to find pokestops/locations in your area.


Edit: Simplifying this info for you now: Mini guide: Download ingress, Log in, Enjoy Pokemon go map(not including gyms): http://ingressportal.com/maps/

Edit: I'm on a damn library computer so if my account security is in question view the unlocal Ips & proceed accordingly. Some C.Word messed with the spell check on the library computers. It's a simple fix but I cba sifting who did what, could have been a honest mistake. Anyways back on point.

53 minutes ago, 1st place said:

most people know how to play

Early on the was a lack of accurate information as well as more indepth information lacking. Which I intend to add up when my knowledge of the game grows.


If it's not for you however, enjoy the post count & thanks for the comment

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5 hours ago, 1106link said:

Thanks for the detailed guide! What level are you atm? :)


On Dmm: I walked into a re-mapped safe zone & lost my good stats

On Osrs: 109, 80attack75defence,70pray99mage99strengh94hp92/93 range

On BBB/Poker stars: I'm level 1, I created a fresh account set.

One Pokemon go: I started 5days late of release so I'm only level 12. but I intend to powerlevel the fuck out of it during monday-friday:Sat I gotta do shit.

Also I stream my playing and have irl live stream running at the same time.

Side note: I had a buddy who emulated/spoofed his game & beat the top recorded player @26 prior to minor patchs.



Last thing the hype train for games like this usually die out by now but due the incredible influx of new players from all different countries I can realistically stay at high pop for the next 30 days at least. So enjoy the game before it becomes a niche hobbie.

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