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Wolrd first skiller Karamja diary?

AC Skiller

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9 minutes ago, Stoned Ape said:

yeah, he mentioned something about getting the 15 str was the real secret but I didn't really pay attention at the time as I didn't realise how much of a mission it is, pretty crazy account.. GL dude

Well thanks :D 

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6 hours ago, AC Skiller said:


Way too much effort, but just imagine the times I hit with the obby maul... Not a typical pure, most 99 str obby pures are 50+ hp, I'll have a combat level of 35. whilst most have a minimal of 45+. We'll see. Then again I can start pking at 60 str, even before possibly somehow. otherwise 99 is just a long term goal. but 10 hp, sheesh, The rought part is It's bound to level up whilst I pk, but not much you can do about that :P 

Fair enough good luck anyway

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9 hours ago, felix said:


Either way it's a fishing alt, Weather i pk or not. b0nk.

3 hours ago, Brett man said:

good luck doing this bro

Thanks man :D


10 hours ago, 1st place said:

wolrd first!!!

Yeee boi ( ° ͜ʖ °)

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