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how to get proof for trust trading

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hey guys chris g 93 here i see alot of chatter both  in game and on the forums about "trust trade scams here is a simple way to cover your back both if youve been scammed and if somebodys accused you i wont go intomuch detail but here we go


first of all download gyazo its a image capture

confirm second trade screen what/who your giving cash to example


chris g 93: trading 500k deadman for 1m 07 to ac consider confirm

ac consider: confirm chris g ( trade accepted) as soon as you accept the trade use your gyazo to screen capture that the trade has been accepted aswel as confirmation as the rank confirmed so there is 100% proof the trade got accepted...

the next part is a little tricky but i think this is plausable


pm the rank to find out the world and location teleport/hop once you get to the destination tell the rank you are there waiting for them and then gyazo this..if theres no response pm the rank a couple more times saying helloare youcoming im waiting or something along those lines and print screen this.

if  there is no reply say to the host ok im uploading a possiblle scam to the forums the time is....(whatever time it is) andthen gyazo your entire screen MAKESURE YOU CAPTURE YOUR DESKTOP CLOCK

this should be enough proof to prove of a scam as you have t ried to contact the host you also posted the time to the host aswel as the time you captures the screen (hence capturing your entire screen)


if this information is wrong and not considered proof please let me know but it should easily be enough

as for the rank its simple get confirmation of both trades in the cc and gyazo them so if anybody says you scam you have proof you paid :)


thanksguys see  you all in game

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