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Blatantly ignoring morals @AC Kalash

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I waited a little over a day to calm down and decide if I wanted to post it, and since I haven't heard or seen anything done about it, here it is. AC Kalash decided to go pking with non AC members and killed AC members, at least one (which was myself). I saw him and didn't move/react because I saw the green dot (yes, he was on my friends list even) I turned back to my other account to hit another terror bird, and when I looked back, AC Kalash had killed me. Pictures below.


We just had multiple days in a row at the start of this season where people talked about AC not being a motel where you can come when it conveniences you. Pking with friends and killing AC members is not allowed every time this topic has come up. I've personally given Kalash support (free items/gold), bought tournament gold from him, and gone on pk trips with him. This is outrageous to think that we have bs like this happening, which is why I was cussing at him. As the text shows, he wouldn't get on TS to speak to me even. (He was pking with friends and not on TS)



Edited by LuciferBlade
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1 hour ago, Brett man said:

Kalash is tata lmfao don't trust his bitch ass

I honestly didnt know he was in tata? Is that legit...? Got him on friends I used to talk to him, talked in tournies anyway

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