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Cant buy anything in the ge

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it seem to me that dmm is almost dead and theres not enough low level/ casual players in the game to keep a steady flow of supplies in the game. I've been trying to buy and sell things in the ge and nothing ever seems to sell endless you sell it for hella cheap or you over pay.

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If you figure out the flip prices of an item, just put the lowball offer in and give it time.. I have stuff banked to train skills while im waiting on offers to complete

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1 hour ago, Teegious said:

If you figure out the flip prices of an item, just put the lowball offer in and give it time.. I have stuff banked to train skills while im waiting on offers to complete


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Problem is there's so little supply of things which have a constant demand.

For example once you get a rune axe it will probably be deposited or never lost by you. But there's not that high a supply for it, and not that much of a demand, so people CBA to use one of their 2 slots for a rune axe when they can merch.

Also 2 slots.

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