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scamed dmm proof

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hey all basically ac pieza was willing to craft my 42 hides in to bodys and scammed me got picture proof ( i gave him normal hide then was goingto give him gp for him to tan it as he said he will) heres the gyazo links


<a href="https://gyazo.com/4f18972278ad0fd352c8bc7f0b4e85c9"><img src="https://i.gyazo.com/4f18972278ad0fd352c8bc7f0b4e85c9.png" alt="https://gyazo.com/4f18972278ad0fd352c8bc7f0b4e85c9" width="527"/></a>



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I dont even know who this guy is, not everyone with ac in the name is a ac member never trust anyone with items in sp33dy20 cc unless they are a captain rank +


Edit: From what i've seen he is a guest on our forums and hasnt even been given intro rank yet meaning he isn't part of AC and since he scammed he won't be joining any time soon funny thing is he is 13 years old and scamming such a scumbag

Edited by Sean M8
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1 hour ago, Sean M8 said:

I dont even know who this guy is, not everyone with ac in the name is a ac member never trust anyone with items in sp33dy20 cc unless they are a captain rank +


Edit: From what i've seen he is a guest on our forums and hasnt even been given intro rank yet meaning he isn't part of AC and since he scammed he won't be joining any time soon funny thing is he is 13 years old and scamming such a scumbag

That's really pitiful. At least now since he's a solo player he won't be getting anywhere with that cash pile ;D

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3 hours ago, Sean M8 said:

I dont even know who this guy is, not everyone with ac in the name is a ac member never trust anyone with items in sp33dy20 cc unless they are a captain rank +


Edit: From what i've seen he is a guest on our forums and hasnt even been given intro rank yet meaning he isn't part of AC and since he scammed he won't be joining any time soon funny thing is he is 13 years old and scamming such a scumbag


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6 hours ago, Sean M8 said:

I dont even know who this guy is, not everyone with ac in the name is a ac member never trust anyone with items in sp33dy20 cc unless they are a captain rank +


Edit: From what i've seen he is a guest on our forums and hasnt even been given intro rank yet meaning he isn't part of AC and since he scammed he won't be joining any time soon funny thing is he is 13 years old and scamming such a scumbag

captain rank+? bruh

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