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Hey guys, it's been a while


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Hey guys! It's been like 4 months or so since the last time I was online. In this short break, I kinda sorta started doing better in school lol but all in all I kinda miss rs. And this community. Part of the reason I left was because I was bored of the game ( losing 1b+/ 3k irl was part of it too lol) I thought godwars would really bring back the old feelings I used to get but no.. Maybe I just abused the game too much? So much that I didn't enjoy what I was doing anymore... So two questions

1) Do you feel like you abuse the game to the point that you're not even enjoying yourself anymore?

1) Should I comeback? Please no selfish answers... If you want me back for manpower, don't tell me lol or don't make it a reason. Is the game still "fun"?

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It depends on what you feel is 'fun'.

My definitions includes the overall sense of community and belonging.

Participating in events that spark inspiration and unity which also include multipking, warring, gwd'ing.


To answer your questions. I haven't abused it to such a point where it no longer seems fun.

Back in the days when I quit, I never looked back but when I finally had a long time urge, it was definitely worth it.

Hopefully you are able to get opinions of those that did  quit and returned. 

There's several new updates getting implemented which further will 'spark' interest concerning the wildy.


Not going to tell you what to do, because it's your choice. But always know that you're always welcome in the community :P


It's nice to see that you're back, for forums sense.

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