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Mage Training? (DMM)

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So I'm deciding whether I should splash or alch. Money is unfortunately a problem so alching would be hard. But splashing takes a hella long time. What do you guys recommend? Also what do you guys alch? I heard the only best thing now is just to alch mind runes.

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4 minutes ago, Sp33dy20 said:

splash over night and save money

Naaa but I heard that theres a 30 minute timer. It makes you stop auto retaliating after 30 minutes.

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splashing is not viable because it takes ages and every day the game loses players, if I was you I'd go ice trolls and make 1-2m and then stun-alch

Edited by GIGGS
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Alch inbetween hits whilst training range or melee (or inbetween splashing if u really want mage up and partially semi-cheap)

or agility, or just anytime youre walking somewher :P 

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