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Greenshot Printscreen Tutorial (Instantly save pics)

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If you're not taking pics get on this


1. You want to start off by creating a new folder on your desktop, name it whatever you want but make sure you create one or the screenshots will be saved to random locations. 


2. Head to http://getgreenshot.org/downloads/ and click on the "Download" button.



3. Go through the installer and the program should now be fully installed on your computer.


4. Right click the program on your taskbar and select the "Preferences" option.




5. Now that you've opened the settings, you want to make several changes, start off by copying my settings, this is how your settings should look like when you're done. Everything else is set to default.








6. Right click the program on your taskbar once again and select the "Capture window" option. Make sure your game client is active or it won't capture the right thing.


7. After you've selected the Capture window option and you have your game client open, it should look like the picture below. Left click once and it'll save the window region. 


8. If you've followed all of the steps correctly you should be done, and this is how your folder should look like after taking a screenshot.









Pls post below if you have any issues, it's a bit tricky to get it right but you won't regret it and Sp33dy will sleep well at night knowing no screenshots go to waste

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