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[DMM WARNING] walking to the GE

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There has already been a topic from Manik for this, but I thought i would repost it with a warning to hope everyone views (@sp33dy20 can u make a must-read topic about this maybe too pls?)

There are dangerous squares behind the oak trees inside(along, rather) the varrok wall between Vwest and the castle. It is the common route to the GE that you would think was "safe", to which my alt died for 3m sdmm which included mainly ppots, maple longbows and 9k nature acquired at 100gp ea. My desk now has a slight modification around where someone would punch a hole.

here is Manik's pic:


The safe route to the GE now is through the front of the castle, though a few doors and around the back (to be safe). 

I have now said fuckit, and am swapping osrs for pretty much all sDMM to get back what I lost (this isnt intentional an advert fyi), to which I did contemplate quitting but I am too god damn addicted to DMM.

Sorry this wasnt posted earlier, I was pretty mad last night. 


I an sorry I sidnt post this as it happenedBoutique Local Italian Tours
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Edited by Rixz
Fat fingered post on my phone early.
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4 minutes ago, Rixz said:

My desk now has a slight modification around where someone would punch a hole.



lolol sorry bro i couldnt imagine. thanks for the heads up

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