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Today my friend scammed a fellow player Mumbai for 200k SDMM. I have vouched for him and then he ended up scamming Mumbai. 

The reason I vouched for my friend was because well first of all he is my friend from a long time OSRS and he had bought 10k sdmm off me...

He said he was going to buy more SDMM he asked me first and I told him I did not have any to sell to him

He then scammed Mumbai and now I am taking blame because I have access to his account and so they think I am the scammer.

I am trying to get ahold of him but hes not responding and the cash is gone on the account we share... I dont know what to do

Please tell me what you think also on behalf of Mumbai I will try to get his money back because I had vouched for him and I should not have



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3 hours ago, KingTheGreat said:

Try to receive the money back from your friend or you will be given a strike and you said you shared that account, we will be sketched out because Mumbai was scammed.

yeah try to get it back man

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Just getting the money back seems a little lenient, what happens if someone just keeps scamming people until they are caught? They pay back only those who catch him, but still profit from the rest..

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