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New Exp Curve Start

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So apparently the exp curve will be 10x xp to level 50 then 5x till 99 which is utterly laughable considering the tp update and G.E.

According to Giggs and Jagex Mod Kieren from Twitter, it'll be 10x - > 1x every 10 levels. (I.e. 1-10 -> 10x, 11-20 -> 9x etc etc.). SOOOOO, my plan will be a little pickled but similar to these two options. 

According to Whosdaman21, what I read on Reddit was in fact correct and we'll have that ridiculous 10x -> lvl 50 then 5x - > lvl 99 exp gains. Utterly laughable. 


Option 1: Rush Range and 55 slayer to no life barrows for 2 days to make enough money to either get blitz/barrage OR 

Option 2: Get Range/Melee up along with slayer and possibly barrows grind to have some fun week one with spec outs and stuff. I'd still use slayer staff for the barrows money grind.

Lmk what you guys think will be better. I'll be playing 20/7 the first week.

I'll add my quest order soon as well as well as Marasaur's Start this tourney which I intend to follow. If you have suggestions, please post comments. I'm looking for all suggestions.

1. Start Varrock
2. Level to 5 thieving on Men
3. Tea -> Half Invent for Stronghold
4. Stronghold 10k
5. Purchase Fire Staff and Priest Gown at Varrock
5. Head to lumby and speak to duke to start rune mysteries
6. Head downstairs and start Restless Ghost
7. Bring Talisman to Draynor Wizard (Bank box to Aubury in Draynor)
8. Buy Chronicle and Teleport Cards
9. Go to Port Sarim/Void Outpost for Runes (Need Roughly 300 minds and 700 airs) - Scoop Waterfall Runes
10. Take Brimhaven -> Ardy
11. Get 30 theiving on Cakes
12. Do Waterfall, Tree Gnome Village, and Grand Tree
13. Complete the Feud
14. Start MM. Get 43 Prayer (WHERE?)

Edited by Chance
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im keen to do either of these routes with you and im sure my friends are aswell, you should check out my post to see my stratergy of the range way, but i am thinking about eventually doing ibans for barrows,


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um what lol, it scales by a 1x multiplier decrease so every 10 levels it will go down by 1

e.g 1-10 (10x), 10-20 (x9), 20-30 (x8), 30-40 (x7) etc

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  On 6/23/2016 at 8:54 PM, GIGGS said:

um what lol, it scales by a 1x multiplier decrease so every 10 levels it will go down by 1

e.g 1-10 (10x), 10-20 (x9), 20-30 (x8), 30-40 (x7) etc


You're right, I'll update accordingly. I was going off of what a guy on reddit said about the Q/A.



Edited by Chance
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