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Quitting rs

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3 hours ago, Sifern/Usso said:

Aight man going to miss you, was fun playing dmm with you sad to see you go. Always having some friendly banter on TS with us 2 and @Minimash

Also thanks for a part of 2007scape reddit comedy i will never forget: When you were trying to hate on my boy Zulu for spending his money from swapping on 200m construction and he roasted you back with 1 word(Marasaur=Zulu). One day you can laugh about this.



Oh btw i could use another Fire Cape to chuck for a pet if you want to help me by adding me on teamviewer....

I know zulu and talked to him about that wasn't hateful at all cleared it up

1 hour ago, Take pics said:

Just hang out more in ts, you'll become interested again

If not, good luck outside!

Do you play any other games?

not atm

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