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Squad Doing Work In Singles

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The evening was young, the birds were drifting off and four young warriors had gathered under the moonlight in preparation of what was to come. Those warriors you may ask? Dan, Perri, Gage and Pk Ranger.

After purchasing my first Ags since returning to 07, Perri and I were quite keen so the four of us decided to head out to the single strip of Callisto in hope to find pkers or pvmers in some form of risk. Didn't take long before we ran in to a 2v1 situation so we instantly got on the bandwagon and took them all on. Unfortunately the world was being hit causing people to lag out and in, one of those was poor Ranger who let his target go. Myself and Perri on the other-hand slammed both our targets for a combined total of 4m+.

Bloodthirsty for more we went on the hunt finding the odd pkers and risk pvmers along way for a few more average kills.




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