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Quitting DMM

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So today I went pking after losing skulls and no1 was online on Ts and i wanted to get some kills on Dmm so i could make cash for ahrims.

Before i go any further i wanna make it clear that i blame no1 for this and this was my mistake on its own. I am responsible for my actions and this was rlly dumb of me.

I checked alot of places to find no1 to kill and ended up teleing to burthope to check warriors. I didnt tele up with Noted sharks/ppots and didnt have the tokens in my inv either as i planned to rush to the bank at warriors and get that............ but i ran into gabe and then piaa and peekayed logged in and camped all 3 lvls at the stairs. I tanked them out of all 4 brews and shit i had till finally i died. Its unfortunate that no1 was online on ts at the time except for a few people who didnt have clients loaded up but then again it was also late night for every1 except me.. was 11am for me so yeh. I ended up dying for Karils top Dh legs whip d boots 30 ppots 500 sharks and the rest of my shit. Ive shit got 1m left on dmm and idk if i shud keep it to pk with in mystics or just sell it to 07 but yeh for now i have no motivation to play a dead game that ruined my day. So gf lol and im quitting DMM for good. I doubt ill play next season but i hope the rest of you dont make the same mistakes i do and enjoy :)


Signing out,

2Girls 1Ags.

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dammm bro sad af.. 

for other people that might go wg for defender/pking, always tele in with noted food/ppots/tokens+armour set as cyclops are confirmed pjable during xloggin.

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Should just keep a pk set on your account for when we actually find people. I dont play actively but I'm always geared up and ready when we find action

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I quited aswel i just keep mystic set dome freezes and a dds ;-) low bob switch but it works haha. Do the same if ppl need help or pj off etc. 

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2 hours ago, GIGGS said:

Should just keep a pk set on your account for when we actually find people. I dont play actively but I'm always geared up and ready when we find action


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Sad to hear this :( You were one of the players i enjoyed PKing with most. Hope you still consider coming back next season! GL man and hope to see you around.



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