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Decent investments?

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Just getting my stats and and I can basically wear anything I want to at this point, and I haven't left safe zones in a few days due to training and just teleporting everywhere

I've accumulated a decent cash stack and bought 2 gmauls for my deposit box, but I will be using one for pking aswell. I just bought dlegs and have a fair bit left.

Should I sell the other maul for mystics and ancient staff or buy other stuff? I'm currently basically 70 all cmb stats and 85 combat (about to hit 86)

ideas? Also, tips on doing DT and tips in general?

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i don't play dmm anymore but you should be fine Doing Dt if you have a scout make sure to scout around before attemptning to do it.If your trying to pk i would buy items for your deposit box so you don't risk alot but best of luck to you

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Tips for doing DT. I'd suggest:

1. Move your house to pollnivneach

2. Get Eadgars Ruse done for the trollheim teleport, as it's useful for godward anyway but will help you avoid burthorpe to do the ice diamond.

3. Noted lockpicks for getting the cross so you can keep as much food as possible on you.

4. Do the diamonds that people in the clan are pking around, so smoke if ppl are pking in the desert, when guys are doing barrows do the blood diamond, etc.


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Yea what minimash said. DT took me like an hour when i did it the the other day finally. Didnt see nobody. If you can do it during dead times (I usually took 9 am-3pm CET for questing) your even safer. Exiler and his team tend to PK in the dessert alot i've noticed from tanking them so try to get on times they are off.

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