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Little Break From Old School RuneScape (07 + DMM)

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Title says it all, money is just tight right now and need to be putting my money towards other areas of my life. 

I'll still be in the TeamSpeak and will probably be playing League of Legends since it's free. I tried to play OS-Scape when it first came out but for some reason my password changed, can't get back into the account even after re-downloading the client. I ended up making a new OS-Scape account but my password changed on that one too for some reason. The staff on that site is shit and have taken over 2 weeks so far to reply to me asking for my password to be reset.

TLDR: I don't have a lot of money right now so I can't play RuneScape but I'll still be in the TeamSpeak and will probably be playing League of Legends.

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