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Clan Event

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Hello Anonymous Community i will be hosting a Armadyl Mass for Saturday 4pm EST/1pm Pst.


I am Doing this cause we are getting back into 07 and alot of people needs to make money for Sets.


We will Be splitting: Armadyl hilts/Armadyl plateskirt/Armadyl Chestplate


The Helm will be ffa due to being only 600k same with everything little item


I will be hosting More Events to help clan members make money for Pking Sets.


If we get a drop it will be given to the highest rank there.At then end of the trip what items we have we be splitten amongst the people who was there.


If you Have never Been to Armadyl it's really Easy.(if you don't Have alot of cash i'll be making alist of items you can bring).


1)Karils top/Verac skirt/Verac helm/rune cross bow/Crystal Shield/Dfs/Odium/Armadyl Item/ruby (e)/Diamond (e)

2)Armadyl top/bottom/V helm/dfs/odium/Peg boots/acb or rcb/Diamond (e)/Ruby (e)

3)If tasked Slayer helm/Dark bow is good too if there's 6 people or more.

4)black d hide Is good if you don't have any money

Blowpipe is Also good to bring for healing aswell


If you need any help Just pm any ranks or myself in game.I will be helping those people who needs help With invo set up and Gear.Rsn(need to Slay)


Make sure to Have your Ecumenical keys/Kc before 4pm EST so the trip can Start.


I hope we get alot of drops to make some sets for pking on 07

I hope Everyone is Ready to make some money Tomorrow

I hope to see Everyone there.






Edited by Casperkila12
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