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i give up

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I hope you pursue what you are after and you have a good ride in life.

I am currently working my dream job, at sea, fishing, I had to give up Internet to get out here which was big, if I had not have given up on raiding on WoW a year ago I dont think I would have gave up so easily. My wife and 1y.o. daugther helped me out there, though reaistically I play RuneScape too much, when I get the chance.

RuneScape is a great semi-casual game, though hard to play semi-casual with clans sadly (espc. sDMM)

I will have to make sure to have your new sDMM main added (dont know if I have AlwaysLose added, or w/e that new name was). All in all, I finish fishing season this week and I hope I can get some time in for singles PK trips with you before you leave in late July (a long time away!)

i will lookup CSC when I get in from sea, or you can tell me about it :)

Good luck with your job, Ill chat to you on TS soon!

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6 hours ago, Land Fox said:


“Sometimes all you can do is smile. Move on with your day, hold back the tears and pretend you’re



I’m honestly not sure where to start….but…I’ll take it back to my earlier days in the Anonymous

Community. Prior to joining AC, I joined DMM in my return to RS, I was also traveling at the time of my

travel throughout central United States, being a solo player at the time, and the whole entirety of

clanmanmode didn’t exist in my forethought.


On Dec 5-9 (Guestimation) I ran into a strong hold team, which is my favorite training spot because of

the amount of AFK possible, I would train-get attacked on a constant basis. I met a young individual

named 1 st place/Deadfail (not sure who), and that’s where I’ve learned from AC. This gave me a chance

what it’s like to experience the excitement of being a part of a clan/community again.


I’ve met so many unique people, and I can’t name them one by one but you know who you are. I’ve had

so many fun times ups and downs with this community; I’ll have my player analysis someone in this. I’d

like to shout out to the stronghold pkers ELLIOT, CEDRIK etc., I don’t remember everyone because some

of you may have quit. Also there are several people I didn’t shout out to, these guys are the ones I did

things since day 1 of me joining, they’ve been there for me and worked with me no matter what, they

are true clannies, and for those others I truly care about.


Some of you may ask why I’m writing this memo, it’s because I’ve accepted a job with Lockheed Martin

overseas and I’m choosing to pursue my future goals. My Final day or RS/DMM will be July 31 st . I will not

be playing this game competively anymore.


There has been so many up and downs, but the part that inspires me of the community, is how resilient

we are, it’s been a hell of a roller coaster.


Note for Raw: My previous job I used to move heavy equipment for CSC (Computer Science

Corporation), then my current job Communications.


It’s been a good run AC; unfortunately my career as far as RS/DMM goes ends here. Thanks for the

enjoyment, entertainment, and shenanigans that you guys all brought me, good/bad. I love all of you

guys, and it’s been real it’s been fun, but it hasn’t been real fun 0.0 jk. Remember it’s just a game, there

“Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others. I’ve

failed to do this for the AC community, I’m truly sorry in the end of my time with you guys, that I’ve let

so many of you down. I really did give it my all to try to make this the best clan I’ve ever seen, for some

it may have been a game, but I made this my life exploring all to achieve things so much greater,


I wanted to push, and push, but I’ve pushed those away, broke those friendships and trust. I’m truly sorry

community for what I’ve done, and become. It really breaks my heart to let those devour who I am turn

for the worst. Thus once thought was removing the toxicity from Ac became toxic himself. I’ve tried and

tried to make progress among the community, but not everyone has that level of competiveness that I

strive for as it’s only a game to others, if you actually read this post your favorite color in the post, I’m

glad I got this opportunity in life to start a new string to my journey of life. I’ll forever keep you guys in

my heart. Remember guys forgive but never forget, remember that we are all people and the things we

Some of you may read this, others may not, but it’s ok it’s only a game, on one last note because, I’d

hope I’d cover everything, if you want me to post my analysis through my experiences with you below I

shall, for example I’ll do minimash a.k.a bottom of ts. Farewell AC.


You’ve been a valued part of AC through thing and thin. You have a valiant effort to the positive aspects

in life, not only do I hope you succeed in AC, but also in life. Some may not be in the best of

circumstances, but make the best of that circumstance.

Mimimash, you’ve been a dear player to my heart, and a good dedicated member of this community.

I’ve never had any negative feelings towards you, because of your positive outlook on things,

you’regreat leadership material and I hope will go far in. You’re the kind of person who I would like to be a part of my life,

because of the positive aura you give off. You show dedication, lead ship skills, in which I hope you, utilize one day.

To a real note, just remember life is tough game or not, sometimes you may have to lay the hammer down whether you

like it or not. You’re nice, you may be too nice, but remember stay true to yourself, and I wish the best

If you have questions feel free to post and I’ll answer it, if it’s within a reasonable standard. I.E I won’t

be answering questions about IRL or other things.


It’s not about merchanting the clan; it’s about me merchant everyone. It was and has never been my job

to provide lower price items; we all play this game to make progress, it’s all how we choose to make that

progress. People from the clan didn’t have to choose to buy nor sell items to me, so that excuse that I’m

merchanting you guys was truly mistaken, I’ve spent several hours bank standing being able to do this,

while everyone progressed in their own unique way.


Why do you merchant if you have so much?


Well…out of all honesty I enjoy it, I’m a big fan of economics and portfolio building, I do it in real life for

my retirement and have a decent handle at it, it’s not my job, but I’ve taken a liking to it ever since I was


“Today is not just another day it’s a new opportunity, another change, a new beginning. Embrace It.”

Take care man, Clan wont be the same without you.

Wish you the best of luck with your future life and you better come in TS and see us time time.


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