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First RuneScape Username / Holiday Event?

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I'll start off with some of mine.. I got lost on tutorial island for 7, fell for the "Jagex blocks your password if you say it" on 71, and don't remember what happened to the other two. My first Holiday Event was the 2007 Easter event where the reward was the Easter Ring.

I got my name because my friend already had a RuneScape account and I wanted to play. His name was Pur3 P3ach3s and his favorite food were peaches. My favorite wrestler was Kane so that's where Kane Fan comes from. Pretty sure I was 8 years old.

First Usernames

* Kane Fan 7

* Kane Fan 71

* Kane Fan 30

* Kane Fan 3

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Was playing on release of Santa hat aswell as the 2003 event that gave scythe. Pretty much seen the game evole from the start, its been a hell of an adventure. My first shitty name was  - 1abc2efg3hij -Eventually went to GaNJaMan and than mostly fitted ganja with whatever clan i was with

Sw GaNJa420

King GaNJa

GaNJa 0f 187



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Jansma4 was my first username I really played on, second were jansma7, then jansma9, jansma111 etc.

I would have all of those other accounts in lumbridge at the magic guide, and would claim in total about 500 air and mind runes every 30 minutes. I lost jansma4 because someone wanted to trim my full black armour with gold trim.. I had to go and he asked me for my password so he could put it on my account. :(

The first event I remember was where you'd get full skeletal armour from some basement in Draynor Village.


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