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why did I get banned?

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5 hours ago, ghostblade said:

whats wrong with a vpn and ofc I wont use my real email?

I was told to join the ts obv I thought they were trying to fk with me so I used a vpn. 

"I'd like to join this clan, super excited to be a part of the community, also I trust none of you at all and will cover my ass at every turn"

Personally I think it likely that if I was dying for lootations and asked you to help you'd show up and watch me die because I might be trying to trick you into skulling; this is not the type of person I have much interest in.

AC is a large community that people simply wouldn't be a part of if bsing and ddos happened really at all.  If you can't realize that and want to hide behind a vpn and a fake e-mail etc then I don't really think you are a risk a team needs to take.

Edited by iJezza
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Only been here for about a week and I don't believe these guys would ddos/skull trick there own clannies. Bunch of cool people and theres no need to hide ips etc, they probably just thought it was sketchy someone new was using a VPN and were just looking out for everyone elses' best interest.

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