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A bit late but finally got it

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When I took out all 4 of my diamonds at shanty pass to go to the pyramid, as I was passing throught the thing using the pass, a high lvl with mystics and 4 keys logged in,  at the chest and went in right after me, I ran to the carpet before he can freeze me and as soon as I took off I x logged, came back later and I was fine,  I was scared as fuck lmao.

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6 hours ago, StonedPixel said:

When I took out all 4 of my diamonds at shanty pass to go to the pyramid, as I was passing throught the thing using the pass, a high lvl with mystics and 4 keys logged in,  at the chest and went in right after me, I ran to the carpet before he can freeze me and as soon as I took off I x logged, came back later and I was fine,  I was scared as fuck lmao.

I had 20 con from doing fremmy isles so moved house to polnivinch (excuse spelling) to avoid that area

4 hours ago, Need Advice said:

Congrats, did you run into anyone along the way?

Saw one pker doing tourist trap but after i moved house to polnivinch didnt see a single pker during the rest of prequests and dt, and did it solo.. not sure if lucky or if the game is dying lmao

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