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AC Sick 3 Introduction

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What is your name or what would you like to be referred to as

A: George, Georgey

List all the clans you have been apart of

A: FU, friends teams

What timezone are you in


Current display name

A: AC Sick 3

Past display names

A: n/a
About yourself

A: 18 years old from Canada, Ontario, i spend my days relaxing on private servers and deadman mode, I took a 5th year after highschool to rest and enjoy life before I pursue engineering in post-secondary. I am a huge fan of gifs and memes so you guys will definitely see a few of those across the forums ;)
Combat Level (Include a picture of your stats)

A: Combat level 89 Screen Shot 2016-04-09 at 7.30.24 PM.png

Why do you want to join Anonymous Community? (Atleast a paragraph)

A: Tons and tons of people have told me about AC, I've been in the cc since the start of seasonal and some know me and have pked with people like AC Hustle, AC Spirit; can't wait to start pking with you guys as I'm excited to get into all the loots and community. My past clan Fishers Unit in old DMM was a cancerous environment looking to move onto bigger and better things. Excited to be a part of you guys!
List everyone you know in the clan and how long you have known them for and the nature of your relationship

A: see above.
Anything else you wish to add

A: giphy-4.gif

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