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Since getting banned from RS I have...

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When I first started botting on my main account I did it because I hoped I would get banned. As crazy as this sounds, I know I am addicted to RuneScape and the only way I would ever quit playing is if I lost everything. I started botting Agility on my main account and before I knew it, I was 99 Agility on Old School RuneScape and was one of the very first people to hit 99 Agility on Normal Deadman Mode as well. Instead of getting banned and being able to focus on my real life I instead unlocked so many more features I never had before and played even more. I didn't log out a single time on my way to get 99 Agility, the bot went on for days and days.

Next up, I decided why not get another 99 so that I can have my Agility cape be trimmed? With all the money I gained from Amylase 1-99 I was able to buy enough Grapes and Jugs of Water for 99 Cooking. I then got 99 Cooking legit over the next week or so and was rewarded with a trimmed Agility cape! Realizing I really needed to get banned (but at the same time wanting more money) I began botting RuneCrafting.

I had already done 1 to about 83 or 84 RuneCrafting legitimately because it was easy with my high Agility level and although everyone else hates the skill, for some reason I always found it enjoyable and relaxing. I turned on my bot and went to sleep, expecting to wake up with a ban. Just like with Agility, I didn't log out because I figured it might lead to be getting banned faster. But once I hit 91 RuneCrafting the money really started to come in, and FAST! I would wake up, go to school, come home and see maybe 50M coins I never had before! Before botting the most I ever had was probably around 8M.

The only time I had to stop my RuneCrafting bot would be when I needed to go buy more food, recharge my Glories, or buy more Pure Essence. I made so much money from doing this that I don't even know the exact amount. I actually didn't want to be banned anymore because I had so much money and power within the game, but one day I woke up with a 2-day ban. I figured the 2 days was well worth everything I received and was shocked I didn't receive a permanent ban! After the 2 days I resumed playing legitimately and enjoyed all of my newly acquired money, gear, and stats. Maybe a week later I tried to log-in but received a message saying my account was disabled.

I was very confused being I quit botting but when I logged into the RuneScape homepage I discovered my account's ban had been upgraded from a 2-day ban to a permanent ban. I was very confused and felt cheated (although I know I definitely deserved it) since I had already received a ban.

Like I said originally, I knew I would not quit RuneScape unless I lost EVERYTHING. I lost my main account, but I didn't lose my Ironman. Iron accounts are only iron on normal Old School worlds though, and are normal accounts on Deadman worlds. I played Deadman on my Ironman account already so when Deadman Seasonals came out, I was back at it! I was ranked #6 in the world for Agility and was at 91 Agility when I was permanently banned even though it was my first offence. Usually Agility botters don't receive first time bans since Agility doesn't heavily influence the economy but I am guessing they looked at my IP History and saw I had a history of botting from my IP and had been previously banned.

I was pretty sad for a few days knowing I had no more RuneScape, but at the same time knew this is what I had wanted for months. But guess what? Now I am in one of the best positions of my life. I go to work, go to school, and hang out with a girl I met after being banned. She was working at an ice cream shop when I picked her up and I could never be so glad I was banned.

I used to not entirely focus on school because of RuneScape or would prioritize RuneScape over trying to create a connection with any girl but now I wake up, go to school (and not be distracted by thinking about Deadman Mode), go to work and since we work in the same mall I get to take her home after, come home and go to sleep. Being banned was truly a blessing.

So for anyone out there that wants to quit RuneScape but doesn't know how to: I am not trolling when I say this; honestly just get purposefully banned. It was the best thing that ever happened to me.

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Just now, vegetableee said:

or sell your account and make some $$$

I had previously sold my account for money and recovered it back after, stealing.

Also keep in mind a maxed account is worth what? $300 USD? That's about 30 hours of working at a normal job which can easily be made in a week or maybe 2-3 weeks if you're working a part-time job meanwhile making a maxed account would definitely take longer than 3 weeks and taking 3 weeks to make $300 USD was being extremely generous.

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