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Safest warriors guild escape?

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Obviously calling for back up would be the smart thing to do but what if I was isolated?


possibly bringing a splashing switch and X logging on a cyclops?


run to the token room and summon the knight and X log that way?

Haven't been to warriors guild yet, I'm 92 combat and should be pretty safe but just wondering what you guys think would be the safest option.




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If you're in the cyclops room just bring a bow and arrows, you can't do range damage to the cyclops. Downstairs just try to get to the armor room and set it up like Hustle said. They won't be able to attack you. Also you can go from bronze to dragon with less than 200 tokens. The trick is to stand by the door, kill 1 cyclops, leave the room then repeat. As long as you're not in the room for more than 1 minute you won't burn any of the tokens.

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pray and set an armor up in the armor room, leave pray melee up and x log.  

other than that your best bet is to run into cyclops and let them tag the guys off.

my experience with asking for help in ts is everyone tells you your a moron for getting into the situation in the first place and then you die, can't recommend it as a go to escape plan.

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you can either atk a cyclops with a shortbow and bronze arrows or like a cbow with bronze arrows, or use an armor set on the animator and xlog on the armor set

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