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Chinning Range

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Hey guys, so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in trying to chin range sometime soon. This would probably take a good size group in order to pull off, we'd need lookouts, and stuff and people to help attack off, to help kill people trying to get to us etc.  I think it could be a big advantage if you have the money and can get the range levels quickly. I'm extremely interested in doing this, I'm 94 mage atm and would love to get at least 85 + range. If anyone is interested in chinning or helping that'd be great. I know that myself personally I'd pay people to help, or I'd split future big keys that I pk with you etc. So if anyone would interested let me know!

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yeah would be worth looking into but I think  that you'd need way to many people as most people who play dmm are in clans and a team of 20+ would be sure to come frequently if they knew you were there.

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chinning can be done, but it requires some planning and thinking. Just take about 4-500 chins per trip, leaving the rest on an alt. Do it during the night (like 3 AM PST). Usually nobody will bother you, but if a group comes down, you are probably dead. Best to do risky shit early on in deadman seasonal so you dont lose xp in all ur unprotected skills.

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