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Dont quit....

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12 hours ago, AC Luffy said:

Alright so yesterday morning, i was 82 combat. I logged on tofay and was 60 combat. In  24 hours, i died twice skulled And 5 times unskulled. Had nothing but untradeables but managed. I had 25 pray, so i was limited to where i can train. As of now, i am 76 combat and roughly 250k. I lost motivation to play, but i realized that i was still ahead of alot of people.


Yeah man I just died twice as well but I know in the longrun after all the questing its easily possible to gear back up and continue playing. 

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17 hours ago, AC Luffy said:

Alright so yesterday morning, i was 82 combat. I logged on tofay and was 60 combat. In  24 hours, i died twice skulled And 5 times unskulled. Had nothing but untradeables but managed. I had 25 pray, so i was limited to where i can train. As of now, i am 76 combat and roughly 250k. I lost motivation to play, but i realized that i was still ahead of alot of people.


i just started yesterday so your good lmao im 62 cb.. ahha

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