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Who trusts Jagex in delivering DMM Seasonals at 8PM (GMT)?

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For some reason I have a feeling the start of new seasonals WILL NOT start at 8PM (GMT).

Whether it be DDoS'ing, Jagex issues or what not - I feel it will be delayed.


Additionally, I feel Jagex have done a poor job at informing players/potential players on Seasonals - look how many 'noobs' are on twitch/reddit etc asking what time seasonal will start. A lot of speculation between known players hearing things from Jmods; things such as 6 hour protection, heard both after 3 days and after a week - yet nothing confirmed on either their website or twitter.


What are your thoughts?




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Hopefully they'll go live when the tournament has ended (7.30pm GMT) but I'm fairly certain the tourny servers are going to get ddosed, so you shouldnt get your hopes up lol

Edited by GIGGS
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8 minutes ago, GIGGS said:

Hopefully they'll go live when the tournament has ended (7.30pm GMT) but I'm fairly certain the tourny servers are going to get ddosed, so you shouldnt get your hopes up lol

This will be a big test for both the servers anti DDoS and Jagexs ability (sure some sort of glitch will occur, either the tourny will be over in 10 or everyone will still be alive at the one hour mark!).

4 minutes ago, Sean M8 said:

The only thing Im unsure about is the amount of worlds, are they going to add them quickly before and make them available for DMM hopefully there isnt a delay for that shit

I want to be with those first 100's of people running to stronghold security ha - hopefully all goes well.

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