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My day 3 tournament diary with pics! (Skiller Grindfest, my hand hurts send help)

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So I spent my day thieving in ardy. I've gained some gems to be crafted and enchanted, chaos runes for training, etc. I'll be distributing these to people tomorrow when I'm online! ^^ 

So get ready for your shiny new recoils in the near future!


Ps. Good job guys with the pking today. Been following you on ts and you're all doing great! :)




Day 3:

Collected and gave away 1170 chaos runes and a total of ~150 gems to the clan. Proceeded to sell 200k cash stack and over 1k nats. This is the first batch of gems and chaos runes. Don't have any pictures of the second one, but it was even bigger. And swapping gold and nats make b0nk! This money is freaking huge for me!



Thieving level is up to 85, will probably be doing rogue's chest tomorrow. Just need prayer up and some potions! The food and gem train keeps on rolling! I'll probably upload some screenshots tomorrow.


Got a few new friends too so today was a good day. 3 days left so keep the grind up guys! ^^

Sidenote: Idk if anyone is interested in this stuff. I'd sure like to know how others are progressing too. If you consider this shitposting, just say it straight and it's gone! :P

Edited by papuja
Day 3 update + images
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