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Banned for not having mic

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I just thought it was a bit unfair just getting banned on the spot? I've never been apart of something like this in runescape before and i did go out of my way to meet people like brett man and vegge and stuff. Its embarrassing to admit  but im really shy even if i did get a mic. Plus its really hard being a girl and stuff. Like people act weird and mean and stuff which i would just rather avoid. I was hoping i could get another chance? I am really new to this stuff and didn't realise u need a mic like is there really no one else in ac without mic? Please help im just really confused :/.

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At the moment there is no requirement for a mic so if you got banned who ever did that is dumb as fuck. Secondly once you do become a member of the clan it would be nice and practical to purchase a mic :) Though there are still a few people in the clan without one.

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