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The Deadman Invitational

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The Deadman Invitational


March 09 2016
The Deadman Invitational

On Monday 21st March the fight for $10,000 begins as we open a brand new Deadman mode server for 6 days. Accessible only by the top 2,000 Deadman mode players, all starting from scratch, the last Deadman left standing after 6 days will take home the prize!

We will be taking the top 2,000 Deadman accounts from the Deadman hiscores on Wednesday 16th March - Get training and achieve a top 2,000 rank by then for your chance to compete!

On Saturday 26th March things will reach a climax during the last hour of the tournament server being online. All participants will be moved into the F2P area of the world and will be slowly pushed towards each other by deadly fog. After 1 hour there will be absolutely nowhere left to run and the winner will be declared!

We will be livestreaming the final hour of the fresh Deadman world from Insomnia 57! During this hour the remaining players will be pushed closer and closer together and respawning will be disabled. The last Deadman standing will walk away with $10,000!

To top off the event we will also be launching seasonal Deadman mode once the tournament has concluded!

So, what are you waiting for? Hop onto a Deadman world and get grinding - get into the top 2,000 by March 16th for your chance to compete for $10,000!



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