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RyFall (Ryan) introduction

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What is your name or what would you like to be referred to as

A: Ry, RyFall (Ryan)

What timezone are you in


Current display name

A: RyyyyFall

Past display names

A: Ry Full
About yourself

A: Im 24 from the united kingdom i work in electrics full-time 

i can play after 6pm on weekdays and on weekends ALOT more its also worth mentioning

i have booked about 12 days off work for when DMM seasons begin. :D
Combat Level (Include a picture of your stats)

A: currently 86 CMB with 99 Range and 92 Mage

but will be getting the required CMB very soon!

Why do you want to join Anonymous Community? (At least a paragraph)

A: I would like to join AC because i want to play with others with the same mind set of wanting to be the best they can be i have been in previous communities and found that my aspirations were very different to there for example,

I would grind training for days so that i could help greatly in fights and they wouldn't have the Stats to be much help at all.

(example for DMM)

I want to be apart of a clan that helps each other learn and progress together im not an amazing PKer but im very keen to get better. 

List everyone you know in the clan and how long you have known them for and the nature of your relationship

A: I have recently just got back into Runescape after a very long time off i dont know anyone in the clan to my knowledge.
Anything else you wish to add

A: Im an open book if you want know anything about me go ahead and ask.

 Apologies if  i have not posted this in the correct forum ask the introduction link was blanked out.

Thank you.


Current unfinished Stats for AC.png

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