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Yesterday's PK Shenanigans


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Everything started with HASTE skulling up in vwest to lure ANTEEKS to multi. Unfortunaly they didnt fall for it at all. 10 minutes later, we see TATA skulled at barb village. We rush in from hillgiants Hut, and we RECK them.

We killed 2-3 tata kids for BONK

One of them being "FEEST"


His bank key was:



Some other tata noob lvl 105 got Rekt aswell for 17M bonk key



Because of the high opts we turned this into a pk trip and cleaned some more kids! (dont have all kill pics but we killed like 4 more ppl i think)



People lost skull and after 1 hour we started to lure people with the help of ACE Spetsas ALT at graveyard drags. lured the noobs to multi!

7-9 people lost their lifes and got banged out to lumby





Later on we started to lure people in catherby in to multi with stunt taylors help, got a juicy mystic kill


Last kill of the day, was a guy named "Low Brid" - He was apparently running glorys or some shit. We wait for him at taverly multi and eventually he turns up!



Yesterday was some damn good PK, NOBODY of us died and we killed over 15people! Fuck those who say deadmanmode is dead! Goodjob whoever was there!

If you guys have more killpics, feel free to post them in the comments!

Edited by Exiler
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