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Chronicles of Chrono- Is DMM "dead"?

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Hey guys, 

So I keep hearing this over and over again, that DMM is "Dead", that its a game mode where no one plays and its basically you walking alone for hours not finding any one in sight. This is course is the furthest thing away from the truth and here, I'd like to make the case that DMM is not dead. 

First off, the ones who typically spam that DMM is dead are those who have been killed numeours times and have lost all of their bonk. To the people who are in that position, I ask you to put your anger and frustrations on the side when reading this. Your stupidity and lack of commitment to this rigorous game mode should not inlufence the perspectives you give to others about DMM. Ideally, there are people who have had shitty luck or are really bad at playing this game mode who have died endlessly and want the game mode to die. Why is that? Because they are soar fucking losers. They keep dying and cannot commit to strengthening their CB level so that they can avoid dying. You cannot play this game the way you play OSRS, that just docent work. If you advent realized that, then its why your probably dying all the time. Tough luck. 

Secondly, there is a category mistake made be people who claim DMM is dead. This mistake is so hidden that new players often fall for this. Even preexisting players fall for these dumb arguments. I will admit that if you compare the numbers of DMM to any given world on OSRS then yes the numbers are way lower. At any given point a PVP world will have 400 players while DMM will only have 100-150 (after the world squeezing). I'd like to ask here, is this right? What I mean is, can we compare DMM to OSRS servers? Is that even a fair comparison? I would like to argue that this comparison is wrong and misleading. It is literally comparing oranges to apples. Any one who has played DMM will tell you that it is a totally different experience then OSRS. Every rule in the book is thrown out and re-written. It is a category mistake to compare the two servers expecting them to have the same amount of players.

QUESTION: Why don't we compare the OSRS normal worlds and PVP worlds and based on those numbers say that pvp worlds are dead? Because that would be a shitty comparison. They are two very different worlds with different reasons to play and numbers. 

Don't fall for this category mistake. These two game servers are totally separate and DMM should not be viewed to the numbers that exist on OSRS or even PVP worlds. 

I'd like to know what people think about this, do you agree with this assessment or do you actually think DMM is dead? I'd love to hear peoples arguments especially if they disagree with me here. 

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Great argument and very valid points bro, I dont play DMM much anymore because of losing my stats but its not that i quit because of that, i just wanna take a break to play 07 and make gainz on the max cape i wanna get. Ive definitely been saying DMM is dead to players but i guess thats only cuz thats to stop MYSELF from playing dmm in fears of making so much progress that when seasonals come out all that progress will mean nothing. But again bro good argument and i rlly hope DMM doesnt die out, Id love to come back to DMM and make gainz some day when i feel like takin a break off 07. See u there soon :)

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Thanks for keeping it real bro! Honestly I was thinking the same thing about seasonal's until the mods specifically said that seasonals will be extra servers next to DMM. That means DMM will not be reset! It is here to stay and it would not be fair to players that already have so much time and effort invested into DMM. This was made explicitly clear by the Mods on a recent Q and A. For me, I know DMM will most likely always be there. Those who are not part of the hype are the ones who seem to feel left out and therefore they benefit from seeing it destroyed. Just me thoughts tho! 

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