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Chronicles of Chrono - How I survive on DMM

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Hey guys! 

I get a lot of people especially lower levels and those who have just started playing deadman mode (yes, those people exist), Chrono, how do we freaking survive? Don't get me wrong, I'm not maxed lvl 126, but I'm currently 100 CB working my way towards a maxed account. I've played this game with complete awareness and took extra precautions for everything. So here is a small list of tips that I would recommend everyone follow, even if your still 80 or 90 CB, this list will work for you. 


Yes, training is the most important thing in DMM. Do not do anything and I mean anything until you are at least 60 or 70 def. I am not exaggerating. Here is the most likely scenario if you do start roaming around. A lvl 120 maxed main will fuck you in the ass until you die of internal bleeding. Do not step outside a safe zone until you are at least 80 CB with decent def and HP. Not exaggerating here. The best place to train in my opinion is Yaks. I have literally grinder endless levels here. Its extremely close to a safe location and its nearly impossible to get killed here, unless you get specced of course. First things first, get prayer and especially melee overheads. Then train range and def. Finally train you melee stats to fend off any foes that come your way. 


When I stepped into Deadman, I wanted to PK immediately. After all, this is a pking server. This was a very big mistake. It took endless hours for me to raise my stats, only to have them fall immedilaty after my death. If you are not an extremely skilled pker, odds are you are going to die if you skull or go to an area with no escapes. You will most likely run into maxed mains and get destroyed so don't go pking until your at least 100 CB with 94 mage and all the other great stats. 


Do not step outside the bank unless you are willing to loose what you have and what is in your bank. This is a big problem, people take risk thats are so unnecessary! Before you go do a clue scroll, or go kill zulrah, or go PK, take a look at your bank and make sure you aren't risking 4k hats for 2k sharks. Sell everything and keep you account to the bare minimum. This will ensure that you are not loosing too much on death and that your deposit box stays full! 


If you weren't already aware, shark brew can save your life. Trust me, always have sharks and brews on your character at all times. Even when your with your friends (those shits can back stab you).

These are just some tips as to how I survive in DMM. I hope this advice helps. 


My question to you is, how do you survive DMM?? Id love to hear from you all. please comment below for any tactics and advice you have. Thanks!!!


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9 hours ago, Chrono said:



Agreed, I think for lower levels the best place to train would be gnomes or guards. Ultimately you will have to then move to yaks for the higher level training. 

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