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Why kill an AC member for maxed while on a trip?


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So cz3ch22 was killed in maxed by most the people here, which was most likely organized my adamant. Hastes explanation is that he scammed. Dont know if speedy is aware of this, but where is the proof, because I know cz3ch22 for a long time and he would not scam. @ac adamant, are you really that desperate for gp? If their was evidence, he should of been kicked and not bullshitted for max gear and all the stats that he lost. I find this really childish and greedy.

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6 minutes ago, Sp33dy20 said:

yea there has been a lot of people talking about him scamming at least 3 people, Was not on the trip but he was going to get kicked regardless.

Was there actually any proof though, ive never seen him swapping in the friendschat ever, and thats supposedly where he was scamming people? and in your own words, "there's been alot of talk", but is there actually any proof?

Edited by AC Budsdaily
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Guys this has nothing to do with his personality.  When I leave my friends chat on I have random people pm me all the time and I've had 3-4 separate occasions of people saying he scammed them.  This happened when he was swapping within the cc.  I've told him multiple times to stop scamming people within the cc, if you are going to scam, do it outside the cc and without our knowledge.  However, after speaking with him, he continued to do it because I had more people come up to me and say he scammed them.  When questioned he was sarcastic and was a prick to my face.  I told him that if he admitted it, all would be forgiven and we could move on as long as he didn't do it any longer.  We've had other clans members who scammed randoms and they came clean and we moved on from it.  If you think I'm pixel hungry? Lol? I won't accept a single gp from it.  I hope you guys know me well enough that we don't do this normally and this isn't something we encourage.  However, we saw an opportunity and we took it.  What is done is done, it's in the past and we're moving on.  For those that want proof, people aren't recording every little thing they do.  Look at the allu situation - everyone trusted him and he was in the clan for years and had people come to his side and back him up, yet we left him around and he scammed a kid, AGAIN, for $700. Was there proof in that situation? No.  It was just members good instinct and intuition and in the end they were right.  For those of you that don't like it, you can take it up with me personally but it was discussed among the higher ups in the clan and it's not a decision that was made out of pixel hungry greediness.  It was to set an example and to prove a point.  If you're honest, we're a brotherhood and we're here to forgive and forget and always to be there for one another, but if you lie about something and continue to think you get away with it, we're going to catch you.

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