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Affects of world shrinking on market

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Hey guys! 

Here my theory on the cutting down of servers or worlds on DMM. It seems like with the cutting down of servers, the worlds have been reduced in half. This has caused players to be closer to each other. basically instead of 100 people being distributed in 6 rooms, now you have the same amount of players stuffed in 3 room. This is good for pkers and skull hunters. It means a lot more deaths and a lot more items to be sold by pkers. The very next day after the cutting down of worlds, the items dropped significantly. I believe this is because of high levels of supply and not enough demand. supply comes from players being killed from begin squeezed in with max magers. There is no demand because people are dying. Basically what is happening is the middle class of DMM is being destroyed. You have the very poor and the very rich. This is a a problem. I sernie banders, would like to save us from this problem. I'm gonna break up the big clans and regulate them. I'm also gonna create a bigger tax for the rich maxed magers. They are ruing the economy! 

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On 1/29/2016 at 2:57 AM, finlake said:

a G.E will simply solve the problem, easier to rebuild and sell your items, more time to raise stats and less angry pixels

You're 100% correct. If there was a larger player base than I wouldn't vote for a G.E. But now.. We need one desperately.. I can't even get my hands on a Rune Scim.. 


--- Grammar Nazi's, If an abbreviation is at the end of a sentence and requires a period, do you put another period after it? Hence " Blah blah blah G.E." or "Blah blah blah G.E.."?

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