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Being involved in AC global is a key element, even though being able to savvy the idea of activity is a great idea in terms of the retrospective, you can tell people on, and on, but players have to take it on themselves to get more involved. If players took their time not rushing through things like events, applications, introduction the success rate would of involvement given the criteria would grow exponentially. 

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4 hours ago, Tuiala said:

to be honest theres a lot of bad applications/intros where people dont go by the guidelines but im not gonna correct them everytime lol. it seems like when u guys ask for at least a paragraph most people think 1-2 sentences is a paragraph somehow?? just my 2 cents tho


A paragraph is, I quote: "a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering." -Google

Therefore this is already the second paragraph.. Even though its 1-2 sentences. ^^

I completely agree with OP though.

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as an intro i agree with this it would be nice to get feedback from you guys on my intro and my app when the time comes. that would if i dont get accepted i know what i need to do next time to help my chances.

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