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We getting close i guess

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So after the devastating death i had 2 weeks ago to Wiggleds team whilst i was pking with fudge and 2 others, there wasn't much that motivated me to "get back to it", losing most of my stuff (which wasnt much) but still all i had at the current time, dropping from 104 combat to 95.. Basically that was the "end" of my deadman mode journey. Even tho i was studying for my exams at the university i sometimes came into ts and 3-4 days later i was back it only due to the fact that i had recently gotten into AC and the members was probably 90% of the cause for my come-back. (Kuzzi is still a peasant) = Everybody has confirmed. :D 

To make this story short in these 9 days i have managed to get this far:

95 CB - 107/8 CB

2M bank which i grinded to 15m just from zulrah, and now after we had slain Tubz at the Wizards tower i finally went up to 30M+ bank. Still gonna grind out barrows gloves and potentially get piety tomorrow with Kuzzi! :) 

Heres a picture of my current DMM status! Hope ya'll like it and it can be an inspiration to those who think this is just some competitive game mode.



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