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Just Another Day... OR NOT (TUBZ CLEARED)

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So we went on a pk trip today. Not the most action just killing random noobs here and there getting some average loot nothing special.  We moved to the wizard tower area and were pking around there when our scout (MrSimerly) was being attacked by a lvl 70s noob and we told him to run to the wizard tower. At that time Wiggled's team came to rush us at wizard tower.  We ran to the basement where it was single and let them come think we were running away.  After telling everyone to go up we started dropping kids left and right (2 kids one left and 1 right).  We killed a 117 and Tubz started to panic but we caught a freeze on him.  Wiggled's team has been getting cocky and we finally caught them slipping up.  AC Pordy got the kill and it was 108m bank key.  Awesome job guys and I couldn't be any prouder.  Btw NONE OF US DIED.  We all got out safe and enjoyed our split of about 7-8m after adding up the items.  Link to the vid is at the bottom :D 



wiggled key.png

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