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Found 2 results

  1. So yeah! Sorry for posting this so late, But roughly I weighed 215 on the left and 165 on the right. BTW I'm 22 y/o 5 '9. Yes I'm hairy as fuck. And proud of it! The first pic was taken Nov 1st 2015 and the second was actually April this year, so like 6,7 months apart. I lost this weight doing a few things I religiously continue to do - Drink 2 gallons of water. We're 70% water and not replenishing and replacing this can affect your mood and body composition. Water is the best way to detox/clean your body - LIft 5,6 times a week. I actually did 0 cardio since I started this diet. I find lifting to be a lot more fun and putting on mass is the best way to increase your metabolism and resting caloric requirement. more muscle = more fuel needed to survive. - Sleep. Sleep a lot. Make sure you let your body recover and repair over night. I tried my best to sleep at least 7 hours a day. - Count calories. I'm currently on a 310 day streak on MyFitnessPal and it is DEFINITELY one of the key reasons I lost weight. I kept my calories at 1600-1800 a day. Macros were 5% carbs, 35% protein, 60% fat. Yes 60% fat. This is called the KETOGENIC DIET. Essentially when your body runs out of glycogen (carbs), it will resort to fatty acids to use as fuel in the form of ketones. This process makes your body a fat burning machine. It's the biggest reason I lost all my weight. If y'all have any questions, I'd be happy to answer. If you seriously want to lose weight, look up the ketogenic diet. It literally changed my life.
  2. So as of recently while I haven't been playing, I've been making some decent IRL gains in terms of weight loss. I lost around 60 pounds in about a year or so and I'd be happy to share how I did it if anyone's curious. Just let me know if that's too personal to share on a runescape forum lol. I don't mind putting myself out there if y'all don't mind me posting about it; progress pics, macros and what not.
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