App is temp on hold until I get my new account up and ready to go.
Singles Team Application
Stats (Picture):
Why You Want to Join:
Most of the PK trips I have gone on with the clan were mainly member + intro trips when skullhunting or trying to find CD, FL, DME, etc. I've done like 2 members trips, and sure multi is easy as hell to drop people in, but it necessarily isn't my cup of tea.
If I were to be accepted into ACE, I would enter as a Range/Mage Brid. Once I get 70 Prayer from Lava Dragon trips and get my Strength up, I will Mage/Melee brid. All hail the DDS specs.
Prior Singles Experience:
The majority of my PKing experience is in single combat. I've done a lot of 1v1 duels when the mode first came out and often won fights because I could combo off with a dragon dagger spec and just in general making sure my switches are on point. Whoever switches better in duels, wins. I also did a lot of pking back in 06-09 as a dds+zammy flames hybrid (was interesting).