Hello members of Anonymous Community!
My name is Anonymous I, and i would like to be your Shop for all your herblore related buyings and selling!
I am always buying the following Herbs and and Selling the following Potions
Herbs : Avantoe 4k /Ranarr 4k /Dwarfweed 5k /Kwaurms 1k /Toadflax 10k /Nests 9k/ Zamorak wines 3k/ Mort fungus 1.5k/
Potions: Stamina 10k/Prayer 7k/Range 11k/Super strenght 7k/( brews when i get supplies 23k)
Note: You can always send me a message to make an order. Big orders get discount. Do Sell your herbs to the store of the Anonymous Community to keep the flow going!
See you in game!