yo anyone wanna suicide someone?
ign: Potionsale (level 52) combat, no armor.
his stats: http://puu.sh/lYodq/b4549707e3.jpg
showed: 50k broad bolts, 4mil cashstack, 2 dragonboots in inventory
wearing no armor, 1 defence, 61 hp. Easy DDS spec on a suicider.
he sells broads @ 80 each then when i try selling for 70 each, he undercuts me to 65 each, trades me, shows me the cashpile + dboots
calls me a faggot, then declines. I hate people who think undercutting is cool http://puu.sh/lYont/d625718102.jpg http://puu.sh/lYopP/0a685842fb.jpg
He goes up once we stop trying to sell. This kid needs to be killed, such a cunt. http://puu.sh/lYoDq/d060136e6d.jpg
Here's a gif of him dropping price when i try selling, also screenshots of him undercutting people trying to make a living on this game lol.
https://gyazo.com/500939b03e82b5ee6824dcea11db533e http://puu.sh/lYoQy/6e9f0857fa.jpg
Make it happen boys