Well, I had my fun on reg DMM servers. After being permbanned, my motivation to continue was next to none and the dying game mode doesn't help either. Thanks to the help of Considerable for a bond to get me back on DMM, I got my account in 2 days from a level 3 to level 72 combat w/ 77 HP and 88 Ranged. All I did was pk at terrorbirds to make OSRS money to restore my progress on that account, since I lost it all. Now that my membership is expiring and with how dead the mode has become, it is time to focus back on OSRS until Seasonal server comes out (cause thats when EVERYONE will rejoin!). Thanks for the memories all and cya in seasonal!
Some nice threads of my old progress before perm-ban:
If you wish to keep me added on my OSRS account, the IGN is: Justin0_o
I'll have my PM on all day today, so just add me on your list and shoot a message. #ACPride.