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Found 9 results

  1. Hey all I haven’t forgot about you I’ll be returning this year at some point been very busy:)
  2. Hey Guys, So lets get right into this post, I've been doing some barbarian fishing on my main, and I've always known that you gain str exp barb fishing and a lot of pures use that novelty to gain str exp without hp. So I've been really interested in making a 10hp str pure. But there's one big problem. Getting level 15 strength to do barb fishing WITHOUT getting HP exp.... I've done some research and the only thing that seems manageable is using exp lamps from the genie random event... But thats gonna take SOOOO long if I wan't to get 15 str just from lamps... UGH! Anybody got any ideas? tips? insight into this situation, going to make the account now and just skill on it and hope for the random and get my Agility/fishing up. Anyways thanks for any input on this! #AC
  3. went to venenatis and got an easy pk lol
  4. Hey everyone! First off I need to apologize cuz I haven't posted anything in about a week. This is what happens when your dam professors all give you papers due the same week! Secondly, I'm super excited to say that i've been an AC intro for about 3 weeks now. Being an intro seems to be like a grace period, where you introduce yourself to the clan and you get to join on PK trips and PVM trips, assuming you have some decent communication with the clan and your at least recognizable. So last week was honestly the most fun I have had on DMM in a long time. The clan went pking and we go so bored that clan members started fun fighting each other. Of course this was controlled, but none the less awesome. The same day we ended up going as a huge team to Zammy. Big shout out to sleepyaf for being our tank, you did an amazing job man. Its been a while since I felt belonging to an integral part of the runescape community. Big shout out to Sp33dy20 for making this happen. Looking forward to more DMM experiences with AC. This ultimaltey is what you get when you put together a high risk game mode as well as some great clan mates. Since DMM is now mainly clans, its very hard to get killed and your ultimately able to risk more, if you are part of a clan. Which is ultimately a great perk for being in a clan. Thanks for the great experience guys! Look out of rmore posts this week as I will be updating you with a lot more shit. Peace!!
  5. If Anyone wants to gain exposure to AC as much as me or even to themselves, RECORD YOU PK CLIPS! because im trying to edit something and i know i already made a post about this , but it didn't have explicit details, whether you're a member or not, if you would like to make an AC Pk video, please record your clips, and keep them and pm me when your ready! this pk video may not be for personal use , it'll be your introduction to AC or a pk video simply for ac, for example if you're an intro, your name is john, the pk intro titles, etc will be AC John, not just john, If You want to do this with me or want to get started, my Requirements are below! No music on clips/raw clips No Combat skills are Required Bank Keys After, if not they clips will still be used (if you were killed) Minimum 7 clips! If you do not have an recording software, i will list some below that are easy to understand and 100% free! https://obsproject.com/ https://www.xsplit.com/ Both of these software's are very simple to work, just keep in mind that you will have to "locally record' (record to your computer) and also have a location for your recordings! Good Luck to all! and if you re going to stand up for your clan to get exposure for you and your clan simply comment that you will do it!
  6. So trying to hunt down b0aty we massed up a few kids looking for some joke action After clearing a few randoms we found in pk gear we came across a kid training in full bands/ss so we did the ol switcherooo on him and whalah 2m splits for 9 people! Well done lads. #Mooo0o0o0o0o0o0o0oo0oo
  7. Okay so the other day between clearing sv shit and Rot one of the idiots got smited for a whip (btw who doesn't use a kraken at this point) cya idiot
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