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don cruz1

Old School
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Everything posted by don cruz1

  1. I Am looking for a good strong vpn with A trusted site that will use bit coins to transfer over for Info for better sites on the deep web. I am getting bored with the kid shit sites I have. If any of you have any info on this plz let me know
  2. don't go all in like that do 1mills at a time if you are going to stake
  3. nice elly faggot! nah but really tho nice dude that is is some good luck
  4. I am out of mems atm so when i get it ill be back on
  5. fuck man i only ever get whips and dark bows shit like that trade me them keys mate
  6. magic short bow (i) did work on that last kill lol he did not even switch out of hes mystic
  7. damn kid did not even show me on the side tbing them abby demons for you share
  8. LMAO thank you brett always thinking of me <33333
  9. If you have ever been on any of the main pk trips like this or have been pking with us you should know that you can't loot any thig but food or like a *ags* off the floor in a war like this. you know this is why you got band bro
  10. I was rubing my nipples so fucking hard on this pk trip
  11. almost have that 10bill bank now boysss
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