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Prime Cyrus

Old School
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Everything posted by Prime Cyrus

  1. Good first trip back, funny how after we clear Rol they mass tripple our opts pathetic !
  2. looked fun az, gotta drop those lobsters and swordfish if you want to compete with the best
  3. rofl emo downie fucked of to sv shit gj boys !
  4. as the co - founder and one active kick rank i kindly ass you all to fuck off outa my cc
  5. So after a long day at work clearing infidels out of our wilderness, senses called speed-dial and speedys mum picked up he was baffled at the start not knowing what to say he was blushing and sweating but after mental health patient purplexownz settled him down we when't arm and arm to the duel arena where senses was looking to impress Ms Speedy.... and with sword and shield and we stole from the bad fated So after Senses showed his might we took the victories and left heads held high and of course hand in hand I was then called to a damsel in distress where sense was being slaughted in player combat so he once again called speed-dial and speedys mum swooped in and took no fear to this warrior with dharoks and against his strong prayers and wisdom was slaughterd where he stood So after proving our self to anyone who would stand in way the dynamic duo hop, skipped, jumped back to the duel arena and there the lovers did what the do best Yes i am high
  6. Wrecked them, they are so delirious if they think ts and sv shit and ts weren't attack us majority of the time plus they would of had more
  7. sv shit time for you to take seat with... ROL, Jaja, TS, 420 and all those other shit clans who didnt have a spine to make it, ac pride
  8. Gj seems you spent alot of time collecting
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