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Everything posted by KyleCantPvM

  1. Looks like it went well good stuff boys
  2. Sorry boys I’ve got covid and I’m fixing my driveway
  3. The DVR alliance was called into action again today. Only to be cleared again. VR actually was trying to PK by themselves for once. It was a pleasant surprise. We bumped into them at vetion and cleared the quickly. This meant it was time to call upon the alliance again. DVR was spotted at 19 ports where we once again cleared them.
  4. Another smooth day in the wild. Missing the days where there used to be competition from the digital video recorders. After being told there would be a digital video recorder fight every time AC went to the wild, we were expecting to see some action. Instead all we have seen is free loots. Could someone check in on the mental breakdown clan? Smooth sailing today, good job today guys.
  5. I was just trying to help out dvr. The mental breakdowns they keep having are horrible for their health.
  6. Another very routine night for AC. Cleaning the wilderness for all the loot we could find. Making quick work of all the teams we had come across. We decided to move down to lavas after clearing callisto and castle. While moving to lavas we bumped into the small remains of the DVR alliance. Making faster work than ever from them. It is easy to see that they are broken and can not take all the mental breakdowns from their leaders. Then we cleared lavas and moved to vetion. At vetion we bumped into a med war and decided to pad the K/D for a bit. As usual Kyl3#1728 for a way out.
  7. VR this is pretty rough. You guys should probably think long and hard about what type of fuck ups you are.
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