Current Rsn: Weekend Fap
Previous Rsn: Who got me
Location & Timezone: GMT+2 (currently deployed in Bulgaria) From eastern time zone.
About Yourself: Military job, been an active member of the pure community for about 10 years, retired member of clan FOE. I love to pk.
How many Hrs a day you play: About 7 currently, around 10-12 or more on weekends
Why do you want to join Anonymous Community: Well, I bought some gold off of lilshagg26x, and I forgot the name but one of your ranks actually did the trade. I wanted to show my trust in you guys, so I went first, trading 30m osrs gp, and after that he traded me 2.1m dmm gp. I was very glad to see legit members of the community still exist, and that is what I would like to be a part of.
How did you hear about us?: I originally heard of you guys in the very first version of DMM, before it became just w45.
Have you played DMM Before? This is my first season, but I played the original version for about 5 months.
List all names you had in DMM: Weekend Fap, Who got me, and Hardly me was my name on the original DMM.
Do you know anyone in Anonymous Community,If so whom: So far, just the guys I have met in the cc, I have also swapped with 4 guys from the CC one being a rank.
I have had 3 deaths on sdmm so far, so these are my current stats. I also have about a 7m Bank.